Thursday, June 21, 2007

Drink up with me now and forget all about the pressure of days

Three days ago I cancelled the insurance coverage on my cell phone, as I'd been paying $5 a month for it for the past few years and never used it. Two days ago my cell phone speaker decided to quit on me mid-call. Figures. So yesterday I went to a Cingular store to get a new phone. It was pretty busy when I walked in, but there was a sign up sheet and the reps were using it to call people to help them. So I signed in and started checking out the phones. About 1/2 an hour, I turned around to see that the 10 or so customers had all formed a single file line in front of the counter. Of course, I thought "Wow, those dumb-fucks don't know there's a list" and continued to play with the various cell phones. Another 20 minutes go by, and I realize that they are no longer using the list. (Apparently I missed the sign that said the list became ineffective at 4:27 on Wednesday afternoon.) So I joined the line. There were about 4 people working at the time, so I figured it wouldn't take that long to get to me. Yet, as each rep finished with their customer, they disappeared in a back room and refused to come back. A full 45 minutes later, the one remaining rep had finished with his customer, and I was due up. So instead of renewing my contract as I had planned to do, I simply asked for the phone I wanted and when my contract was up. He told me that it had already expired, and that I could get a big discount for renewing. I politely declined. As he was ringing up my phone, he called up the next person in line and asked them what they needed - and THEN PROCEEDED TO HELP THAT PERSON - while I was waiting. I'm sure the bar stress had something to do with it, but I was livid. After going home, I spent the night researching new cell phone companies and prices, and went to T-Mobile earlier today where they actually were into the concept of customer service. The bitch of it is that I have to go back to Cingular tomorrow to return the phone I bought, but I can deal.

The whole cell phone issue has just added to my sour mood of late... the littlest things have been driving me crazy - lukewarm coffee, minor traffic delays, internet access problems... etc. I think I should start wearing a sign that reads: "Taking the July Bar Exam - Stay Back 10 Feet" It's likely that I'm going to hit someone soon - for no reason what-so-ever.

I've also been having trouble falling asleep. Every night I'm up until at least 4:00 AM, despite switching to decaf after 5:00 PM, taking sleeping pills, having a glass of wine before bed, etc. Nothing seems to work. Considering they won't let me take the bar exam at 9 at night, I need to figure out how to remedy this problem - and quick.

Oh - K MBE's - 60%. I'm not thrilled, but I'm not totally disappointed. At least now I know what the right to reclaim goods from an insolvent buyer means.

On a more positive note -

1) I got brownies from my aunt in the mail for no reason. No note or anything. Too bad I shook the box before I opened it to try to figure out what was in it. Now I have brownie crumbs. But they're good.

2) I decided on my bar trip - Egypt - for 10 days. My sister may come along, otherwise it will be me alone with a bunch of randoms on the tour. So at least now I have something to look forward too.

Sadly, that's about it.


biff said...

Egypt sounds awesome. Try to exercise a little - may help with sleep.

Alexis said...

I'm currently with T-mobile having switched from Sprint, no complaints whatsoever with t-mobile. They really have been good to me.

1. Don't drink decaf after 2p.m.
2. Try a glass of milk/chocolate drink before bed instead
3. Take a warm bath b4 bed
4. Get a message
5. Listen to music
6. Get some physical exercise during the day
7. Sex—alone or with others