Wednesday, June 13, 2007

He's not half right

I just got done with Agency/Partnerships with Michael Kaufman, who was by far the oddest prof. that's done BarBri so far. His manner of speaking was unique, to say the least, and included noises that I've only heard made by either 1) consenting adults behind closed doors or 2) Yoda. I was in the afternoon session today... so I have no idea how the morning section who had him live kept a straight face. The lecture was pretty good in terms of boiling things down to the basics. I was also happy that he seemed to have reviewed bar exams from all over the country for similar fact patterns... a vibe I haven't gotten from anyone else (most of them just refer to the last time a given subject was tested on the Cali bar, not to specific fact patterns, and not nationwide.) I think this will end up being very helpful for agency/partnerships, as that's it's a brand new subject on the CBX. My only problem was that in going through the exam, all I could see were the potential cross overs with torts, contracts, corps, etc. It started to freak me out a bit. Things were made worse when I got my Property essay back, with a whole series of Fs on it like I had expected. (Once again, fuck you adverse possession.) At least I knew what was coming. However, the grader didn't like my writing style at all, which bothers me considering the last grader was all over it. I'm sure the same will be true for the bar exam grading process... but still, it's annoying. I'm still wondering what I should be doing in terms of reaching conclusions. I went with the whole "Rule, Here, Therefore" method - and reached a reasonable conclusion after applying law to facts. In the first essay, this was praised, but now all of my "Therefore's" are met with the statement "Conclusory (you stupid bitch, stop doing it.)" Well, at least the first part of that. Maybe I'm supposed to qualify these statements with "Therefore, it is LIKELY that John and Jane had a valid contract" instead of "Therefore, John and Jane entered into a contract."

Tonight will be spent back at coffee, trying desperately to finish my Civ Pro notes... which is taking MUCH longer than expected. I should also outline the Civ Pro essays from yesterday and today, but I'm not sure that's going to happen. Especially given that Rescue Me starts up again tonight and I still have 2 episodes on DVD to watch before I can get to it. Life's full of hard choices.

And finally, in the spirit of boiling things down - my list of pros and cons of bar review thus far:

* Minimal traffic, even for mid-day, going to BarBri. Today only.
* TiVo, so bar review doesn't cut into my viewing of new episodes of the Deadliest Catch or Y&R.

* Generally shitty traffic, for mid-day, going to BarBri.
* Getting asked by some randoms in the elevator in my building if I'm studying for the bar exam. This has happened a few times now. At first, I thought it was nice. Now I'm just annoyed. I'm apt to respond: "No, the 3 big fucking books in my hands that are labeled "BarBri Bar Review" are my paperweights." Or "What's the bar exam?" Or "No, these books are for my boyfriend. If I don't get these too him before his class starts he'll start beating me again, like he did last night."
* Getting to coffee to find out there are no tables open. (While lugging the 3+ books, my laptop, my purse, etc.) Having to stare down a few people until one of them left.
* Eating PB&J sandwiches every night because I'm too tired to make anything else.
* The complete and total lack of motivation, running from Tuesday to Sunday each week.
* Having a social life that revolves around my cat and long distance telephone calls.
* Hearing my mother say "Atta-girl" every time I talk to her and she asks if I've been studying at all.

Hmmm... kinda puts things in perspective. Final con: depression.


AliK said...

Funny you should ask how he was live... Courtesy of some of my Motor friends:

Law Daze said...

Anyone else tailor those 'how's the bar study coming along' questions with whatever the asker wants to hear?

Decided yesterday that I should probably dig out a bottle of St. Johns Wort (packed away since the two Practice Court quarters from hell ended). Back in the day, 3 three times a day helped. The GNC lable recommends 1-3 per day. SO looked worried when I poured a heaping handful into my hand yesterday (just kidding, dear!).