Sunday, June 3, 2007

I don't get many things right the first time

I sucked ass on the Property drills, and got 59% on the Property IQs. Property was my best subject first year, so I found this rather frustrating. My timing was fine on the questions though, which makes me feel slightly better about my sub-par performance. I'm now beginning to wonder how many of the 33 questions will be of the IQ level, or worse yet - the advanced level... they don't really tell you this in BarBri. I'm going to spend the next 2 and a half hours going over the answers, then write the essay that's due tomorrow. I haven't done any of the other assigned essays on this, partly because I've been lazy, though mostly because I don't feel prepared. Should be fun.

George likes to open up the doors to the cabinets below my sinks in the bathroom and in the kitchen and chill with my cleaning supplies. I think he misses his tiny cage from the shelter. I miss my tiny cage of my coffee shop in St. Paul, so I can relate.

I'm dubbing tomorrow "Motivation Monday" where I'll get to all of the assigned questions on Evidence and not slack off. We'll see how that goes.

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