Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

My PMBR CDs arrived today, and I'm still feeling like a kid at Christmas. Tomorrow I'll attempt to rip them all onto my computer so I don't scratch them all to hell and thus miss out on any part of contracts review.

I also spent some time today bonding with my California Community Property E&E... The sick thing is that I actually enjoyed it. I'm sure that feeling will fade away fast.

The Prof. that I am an RA for just assigned me some work on FRE 609... I'm glad I'm getting paid to do things that will help in a small way for my bar prep - I'm just hoping that California has the same (or similar) rule... speaking of this, does anyone know if Bar Bri provides us with a copy of the California Rules of Evidence? I'm pretty sure that starting this year we are tested on those on the bar, as opposed to the federal rules. And in the event that it's NOT in the Bar Bri materials, anyone have an old copy of their rulebook they want to donate to a good cause?

The moving company that the firm uses is coming out tomorrow to go through my place to see how much crap they'll be hauling out to Cali at the end of the month. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the cost of bringing it out there and storing it for two weeks will be under the firm's cap on moving expenses.

On a non bar-review note - I got the 3rd season of Entourage today. I'll probably watch the rest of it tomorrow (got through the first 4 episodes tonight), so it won't further distract me from studying. I may have to swear off of TV show DVDs until August - they're more addictive than crack.

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