Monday, April 16, 2007

The devil's in the details

Ah, the irony. My Structured Finance prof. made a side comment during class today regarding extended warranties along the lines of "I mean, really, how many of you have had to replace your laptop screen?" No one raised their hand (although the POS comps they give us our first year have given pretty much everyone problems). After class, I headed over to my coffee shop, opened my other laptop, and discovered that the right 1/3 of the screen was completely cracked. I purchased this computer about 2 months ago from Circuit City, with the intention of using it for the bar exam. Initially I was pissed, then decided to run over to the store to see about having the screen replaced (knowing that it was covered by the 1 year warranty). Low and behold, everything but the screen is covered, and the cross-eyed sales associate informed me that a new screen would run about the same price as a new laptop. (I bought mine for around $900). So I'm pretty much fucked as of now. I was told not to just buy a cheap, possibly refurbished, model from eBay, but should look there for a screen. Nothing was to be found after some extensive searching there. It looks like I probably will just buy a new comp, and get the extended warranty from the store that covers the screen. And also make sure I don't throw it around like a baseball like I have been. So much for me using my graduation money for my bar trip.

Speaking of laptops, does anyone know if they have electrical outlets for those taking the bar with their laptops? My battery life is ok, but it won't make it through a full day.

Less than one month until I graduate. Yikes!


The Grand Poobah said...

Yes... electrical outlets are provided for each and every one of us.

Here's a couple of links to some laptop specials...

Here's one that expires today...

Given time, I can usually find better deals. let me know if you need more options and I'll find something better.

The Grand Poobah

Rob said...

Yes, they have numerous electrical outlets available, but you cannot tape your cord into it, and if there is a power failure, you will have bluebooks at your side to continue the exam in handwritng mode. Good luck!

Now with 110% more bitter! said...
