Monday, April 23, 2007

I need a new drug

First - the countdown... Less than 3 weeks until graduation, less than one month until BarBri, a little over 3 months until I fail the bar, less than 7 months until I'm notified that I failed the bar.


I drink an insane amount of Diet Coke, approximately 2.5 tons of the stuff each day. Normally I go for Diet Coke with Lime, though lately my coffee shop has been running out on a regular basis. Today, however, my coffee shop had in stock Diet Coke Plus. The can looks like it's straight out of the early 90s, or is a new GLTB-friendly caffeinated beverage variety. This soda not only comes with the caffeine my brain needs to survive finals and the bar exam (as well as the next 40 years of firm life), but also vitamins and minerals. It actually tastes pretty close to regular diet coke. I feel so healthy, especially considering how many caffeinated donuts I've been consuming.

If only Marlboro Reds would come out with a calcium-infused cigarette... then I'd really be set.


Amanda said...

I got a free bottle of that stuff at Target and brought it to work for lunch yesterday. My co-workers thought it was hysterical and pointed out that it didn't really have any of the 'important' vitamins and minerals in it. Oh well, maybe it's a placebo thing.

The Grand Poobah said...

I think someone should create a list of the high-powered drinks available to help all of us through the droopy-eyelid parts of the day. Perhaps someone who is waiting for May 25th, and doesn't have as much to do during the day as the rest of us, could do it?