Saturday, May 26, 2007

So twist one more, although I know you'll break me

I did horribly on the first set of torts drills - 10/17. On the bright side, it's not my fault. The questions I missed all involved things that weren't covered in the torts lecture. I think the hardest part of studying for the bar will be accepting the fact that I'll get questions wrong - lots of them - but need to do that in order to learn the subtle distinctions that aren't included in the lectures. Listening to the PMBR Torts CD earlier today reminded me of this, which is a good thing. As is the CD itself, despite the Prof's insistence on using the word "gang" WAY too often. Apparently after 1500 MBEs or so things will start coming together and my percentages will improve.

One thing that I wasn't really prepared for with this whole bar exam prep was the notion of me getting regular migraines. In the last two days I've had two, and that's really rare for me. The last one I got was last summer during my "Buildable Hours" excursion with the firm. I don't have any normal migraine triggers - and it can't be stress related (yet) - so I'm probably going to have to see a doctor sometime soon to get hooked up with more meds. If only I could get through 48 straight hours in Cali without something going wrong. Argh.

Tonight's plan - 1/2 of the MBE IQ Torts questions, more if my plans for later tonight fall through.


AliK said...

I know how you feel about the torts stuff. I've been working 4 days on it and I'm still not much better than I was that first day. Plus, I totally just blew essay 3. I hope the torts CD is right and it is going to get better because right now it's looking pretty bleak... and you know what? I might just trade moving a mound of dirt for studying for the bar. At least I could actually move the dirt... sigh.

Anonymous said...

I realize this sounds bat shit crazy, and you're not one for anything resembling a "natural remedy," but some people absolutely SWEAR by drinking a shot of apple cider vinger. Google the health benefits for yourself. I've heard and heard firsthand accounts of people who drink it for migraines and after a couple of days, POOF- no more migraines. Give it a shot...