Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm fucked

Woke up at 9:30 AM to upload my answers... and no internet connection.

Screwed around with it for an hour, got them finally uploaded at 10:30 AM, 1/2 hour after the deadline.

I feel sick.

I called the state bar, they told me to write to the director, but it looks like I've failed the bar.


Ben Green said...

You're friggin kiddin me. I don't see how they can enforce that on the basis of 30 minutes difference.

Now with 110% more bitter! said...

I'm actually sure they are going to enforce it. It's not like I have a valid excuse for missing it - car crash, death in the family, etc.

The Grand Poobah said...

Major suckage there. That was my worst fear. Go through all the mess then get derailed by a technicality.

Let's hope that, if there's a shred of humanity in them, they'll use it here and know that sometimes, shit happens that's out of your control.

Good luck!

abbagirl said...

that is fucked!

write the director! plead with him/her! you've got to do everything you can to make sure your exam is accepted!