Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Remember me, every so often, promise me you'll try

Apparently my prior post didn't work... so here's an abbreviated version:

1) I'm sick of JOAN, whoever she is, and the sick relationship she has with our main proctor.

2) The MBEs cracked me up - actually, any time I see "Dumpor" I crack up.... or a girl taking naked pictures of another girl (without her knowledge???)... or the EPC of the 5th. And the fuck-ton of Ds (as Biff pointed out) - well, that didn't crack me up at the time... but now it's funny.

3) I think the afternoon session was easier for me, aside from some really odd questions,that I won't post here yet I get fined, put in jail, get disbarred (assuming I pass), or get a Rule 12 violation.

4) I'm tired. One more day.


Grace said...

I was TRYING to remember what made me giggle out loud, and now I remember! Dumpor. So...think that was the right answer?

グリー said...


出合い said...


童貞 said...


在宅ライター募集 said...
