Friday, March 30, 2007

What's a game of chance to you in this world of real skill

After watching 2 episodes of Modern Marvels (water and bathrooms) last night, I headed over to Perkins to meet a few friends with my MBR book in tow. I got through the introductory material and took a look at the outlines of material covered that heads up every chapter. Much to my dismay, a number of the sub-topics are areas that I didn't cover when I took the course. Although I thought my evidence prof. was fantastic, I'm not thrilled that he decided to skip the Best Evidence Rule as it wasn't really applicable anymore. Apparently to the bar examiners it still is useful enough to test on. I also had a full year of Con Law by another amazing prof., who is now one of the co-deans of the law school. I'm all about the Commerce Clause, but he believed that First Amendment issues belonged in a separate course, and thus I didn't learn any of that material. Not good. I'm guessing BarBri will cover this stuff, but I wish I had a little more exposure to it. Especially from the profs. that had the mad skillz.

A few of my non-law school friends decided to try their hand at some practice questions... and in some cases guessed the right answer when I didn't have a clue. This lead them to conclude that the bar isn't as difficult as I'm making it out to be, even though I went to great pains to point out that the passage rate in Cali is like 48%. (Granted, there are repeat takers in that number, and those that don't put any work in, but still...) It's not like I'm up against the members of my high school graduating class here - most people taking the bar graduated from an accredited law school and I'm guessing most of them are going through BarBri and studying to some extent. There are people out there that are smarter than I am that are going to fail. That's not reassuring.

My PMBR CDs still have yet to arrive... I should have upgraded to priority shipping.

Weekend plans currently include doing at least 10 practice questions from each of the 6 subjects tested on the MBE. It's not much, but considering I'm going to be going through each of those questions pretty slowly and reading all of the answer explanations, it should take awhile. Then the depression can set in when I only get 3 out of 60 correct. As if it hasn't already.


AliK said...

You're starting to freak me out too! Stop it!!!!

Now with 110% more bitter! said...

Haha... I haven't done the practice questions I had planned on doing yesterday... hopefully that helps.

Anonymous said...

You are scaring the crap out of me. The NY bar isn't quite as bad as CA, but I'm still terrified now! Nevertheless, my PMBR books arrived and I promptly set them aside and will not, cannot look at them until after May 12...or I just may explode.