Thursday, March 29, 2007

I don't care how you do it, just save me...

Mad props to Barnes and Noble, who delivered Strategies and Tactics for the MBE today, rather than tomorrow as they originally had scheduled. The book looks to be useful, just for the sheer number of practice problems. I was going to go out later tonight, but I may just hit up coffee instead and dive right in. Yes, I am that lame.

I finished up Mastering the MBE... well, at least the first part that provides general tips and a practice strategy for the multiple choice questions. As I'm guessing I'm going to have more problems with the multiple choice portion than the essays, having John Talamo tell me in detail how to go through the questions when preparing will hopefully prove to be useful. At least some of his tips sound good in theory - like "Regardless whether you were right or wrong, read (study) the sample answer." I probably would have just moved on after finding out I got the question right. I also like his pacing style in terms of how many questions to answer at any given time.

Now, if only my PMBR CDs would come in! I'm dying to review the RAP, which we never covered in Property (thank god).

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